Saturday, September 17, 2016

M20 and USR: Captain America

"Captain America: Civil War" was released on DVD this week, though if you're reading this, you probably saw it in the theater. As Honest Trailers suggested, it really was Avengers 2.5, and a lot of fun to see all the superheroes together.
The movies are great, but I miss the red swashbuckler boots. And the little wings on the mask.

I created stats for Captain America on the old, now long-gone blog, but I've since updated the rules for Microlite 20 Costumes, so this the revised version. His financial status is Sponsored, to go along with his position in the movies (as an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.), and to simulate his long career in the comics I might update him to level 14 or even 15.

Microlite 20 Costumes: Level 12, 180 Power Points
STR 21 (+5), DEX 19 (+4), MIND 17 (+3)
Leadership 12, Weapon (Shield): Gadget 12
Physical 17, Subterfuge 16, Knowledge 15, Communication 17
Hit Points 81, Initiative +11, Melee/Hand-To-Hand +18, Missile/Ranged +16, Magic/Supernatural +15, AC 20
Heroism Points: 12, Financial Status: Sponsored

USR superheroes
Action D12, Wits D8, Ego D10
Specialisms: Icon Of Bravery +2, Star-Spangled Avenger +2, Super-Soldier +2
Hit Points: 20
Combat Gear: Body Armor +1, Vibranium Shield +2

Narrative Points: 4

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

USR Ghostbusters 2016

Finishing off the official Ghostbusters teams with the new gang... These are mainly thanks to someone on Tumblr (I think): shame on me for not getting credit on the character cards for the actual Ghostbusters RPG that I found.

I still haven't actually seen the movie...

Erin Gilbert
Goal: Serving Humanity
Action: d8
Wits: d10
Ego: d6
Specialisms: Physicist (Wits; background), Athletics (Action), Follows Her Instincts (Ego), Tell Fibs (Ego)

Abby Yates
Goal: Fame
Action: d6
Wits: d10
Ego: d8
Specialisms: Parapsychologist (Wits; background), Proton Gloves (Action), Notice (Wits), Convince (Ego)

Jillian Holtzmann
Goal: Soulless Science
Action: d6
Wits: d10
Ego: d8
Specialisms: Gadgeteer (Wits; background), Proton Pistols (Action), Acts Weird (Ego), Run (Action)

Patty Tolan
Goal: Serving Humanity
Action: d10
Wits: d6
Ego: d8
Specialisms: History Buff (Wits; background), Proton Tractor Beam (Action), Brawl (Action), Quick With A Comeback (Ego)

Monday, August 15, 2016

USR: Ghostbusters 1984

Talon Waite over at the USR Google+ page asked for the Ghostbusters (the 1984 "boys" and 2016 "girls") with his new Ghostbusters USR rules. I have the old West End Games d6 system box set, except for the box itself, and the dice: it has the rulebooks and the flimsy, perforated cards for items and "character sheets." They're all in a brown paper bag from my FLGS.

Yep, I don't have the game box.

The cards are still perfectly playable, and I used them for inspiration for the USR characters. These stick to the rules in Ghostbusters USR (including 5 health and 3 Brownie Points each).

Peter Venkman
Goal: Sex
Action: d8
Wits: d6
Ego: d10
Specialisms: Smarmy Psychologist (Ego; background), Bluff (Ego), Seduce (Action), Parapsychology (Wits)

Ray Stantz
Goal: Serving Humanity
Action: d8
Wits: d10
Ego: d6
Specialisms: Enthusiastic Researcher (Wits; background), Occult (Wits), Run (Action), Driving (Action)

Egon Spengler
Goal: Soulless Science
Action: d6
Wits: d10
Ego: d8
Specialisms: Single-Minded Inventor (Wits; background), Physics (Wits), Good At Explaining (Ego), Focused (Wits)

Winston Zeddemore
Goal: Money
Action: d10
Wits: d6
Ego: d8
Specialisms: Secret Military Past (Action; background), Heavy Weapons (Action), Encourage (Ego), Bargain (Wits)

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Archetype: Schemer

The schemer is the character who plots and plans and manipulates people to do what he wants. It's hard to simulate in most games, because schemes are a long-term strategy, taking days, weeks, even years to carry out. They're not direct like most RPG encounters. This is the world of Cersei Lannister and Lex Luthor (unless he's wearing his green-and-purple battle suit).

Nick Fury
The rare example of a heroic schemer.

In USR, we can simply call "manipulative" a Specialism. Ego rolls are used for social combat, though a particularly oblivious character might use Wits to try and puzzle out what their more clever opponent is trying to say.

In Microlite 20, it's a MIND + Communication roll. The Performance class ability (page 19 of the Fantasy Expansion) is based on the D&D Bard ability, but a schemer character can use it, especially if it's limited to the Fascinate (distracting the target with words that discourage -- or arouse -- them) or Inspire Courage (a schemer is a master at giving a rousing speech) effects. The Connections class ability (page 18) is common, too.

Putting a long-term plan into play in a single game session would take a lot of set up. While planning a scheme can be fun in itself, the end results of one -- getting your opponent to give in without drawing your sword or using a spell -- can be simulated a lot more easily than it first appears.

Friday, July 15, 2016

M20 & USR: Ghostbusters

Everybody's talking about the Ghostbusters, so here are stats for the whole gang. No, not Venkman and Egon (you can find them a few different places), and not Gilbert and Holtzmann, either (I haven't seen the new movie yet). These guys.
Go go Ghostbusters!

If you're like me, your parents got you a Ghostbusters comic book as a kid, and you wondered why there was a talking car and a gorilla and no Bill Murray. But, bustin' ghosts is bustin' ghosts. Here's the team. Characters that are made for comedy, like Eddie, need a little something more to be playable in a RPG, so I made him the heavy.

Jake Kong Jr.
Microlite 20 Modern-Day
Character Focus: Charisma, Level 1
STR 11 (+0), DEX 13 (+1), MIND 17 (+3)
Physical 1, Subterfuge 1, Knowledge 2, Communication 1, Technology 2
Hit Points 15, Armor Class: 11, Speed: 30 ft/ 6 spaces, Initiative +2
Melee/Hand-To-Hand +1, Missile/Ranged +2, Magic/Supernatural +4
Equipment: Dematerializer, Ghost Buggy Jr., Ghost Pack
Special Abilities: Charming (+1), Quick Draw

Eddie Spencer Jr.
Microlite 20 Modern-Day
Character Focus: Might, Level 1
STR 16 (+3), DEX 13 (+1), MIND 11 (+0)
Physical 4, Subterfuge 0, Knowledge 2, Communication 1, Technology 1
Hit Points 24, Armor Class: 14, Speed: 30 ft/ 6 spaces, Initiative +1
Melee/Hand-To-Hand +4, Missile/Ranged +2, Magic/Supernatural +1
Equipment: Ghost Pack, Flight Jacket (Leather)
Special Abilities: Encourage, Tough

Tracy the Gorilla
Microlite 20 Modern-Day
Character Focus: Might, Species: Gorilla (as Sasquatch), Level 1
STR 16 (+3), DEX 13 (+1), MIND 11 (+0)
Physical 4, Subterfuge 1, Knowledge 0, Communication 1, Technology 2
Hit Points 20, Armor Class: 11, Speed: 30 ft/ 6 spaces, Initiative +1
Melee/Hand-To-Hand +4, Missile/Ranged +2, Magic/Supernatural +1
Equipment: Ghost Pack

Special Abilities: Driver, Heavy Hitter (Melee/Hand-To-Hand), Muscle

Jake Kong Jr.
Action D8, Wits D10, Ego D6
Specialisms: Ghost Sensing Nose, Idea Man, Handsome
Hit Points: 18
Combat Gear: Dematerializer +2
Narrative Points: 5

Eddie Spencer Jr.
Action D8, Wits D6, Ego D10
Specialisms: Loveable Goofball, Absent-Minded, Thinks Positive
Hit Points: 14
Combat Gear: Dematerializer +2, Flight Jacket +1
Narrative Points: 4

Tracy the Gorilla
Action D10, Wits D8, Ego D6
Specialisms: Strong, GB Pilot, Loves To Eat
Hit Points: 18
Combat Gear: Dematerializer +2, Backpack of Gadgets +1
Narrative Points: 4

Friday, May 20, 2016

New Ideas

Now that I'm getting this blog back up and running, I'm revisiting a number of game ideas I've had over the past few months (years). A lot of them are re-using classic games in new ways. Take today's idea, inspired by Rum & Bones and LOAD, tabletop MOBAs. I've never actually played a MOBA, though I have written about them ("Video Game Makers," March 2016); as with a lot of video games, I like the story and visuals more than actually playing.

So today I had an idea to blend chess, checkers and these tabletop MOBAs for a simple version of the game, one that doesn't cost me anything (I already have chess and checkers, of course, and I don't need any other materials). I'm not ready to add it to the site, as it needs playtesting.

When I pulled down my copy of chess, I also grabbed Risk, and I have an idea for that hoary old theme, zombie invasion. Something else I need to playtest before releasing.

I have ideas that will see the pages of my website when they're done, and I'm getting to a point when I can actually work on them. It's pretty nice to be in that position... it's so rare.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

New Microlite 20 & USR

Once, long ago (a few years now), I had a very infrequent gaming blog called "RPG Character A Week." Needless to say, the name was very wrong very quickly. I hardly blogged at all. So I'm starting all over.

I've been calling my versions of games "Domino Writing-style" from the start. I have ideas for several games, but the Big Two are Microlite 20, and USR. That's what this blog will feature, characters, crunch and ways to make use of those games.

Let's start with new and improved versions of Microlite 20 games, all available on my website.
The first is Microlite 20 Fantasy Expansion, which tries to be inclusive of 3.5e, Pathfinder and 4e. The equivalents of 5e characters will show up here.

The second is Microlite 20 Costumes, the super hero game that's gotten the most attention from readers. I revised some of the power descriptions and updated the simple spreadsheet I use to calculate Power Points. Just in time for a wave of comic book-based summer movies (well, "X-Men" and "Doctor Strange" are still coming).

Then there's Microlite 20 Modern-Day, with a very simple vehicle rules set, Microlite 20 Mecha, and Ultramicrolite.

And then, on the USR side, there's my revised version of that game, with slightly crunchier rules than the original, including a simple option for super heroes. I like comics, and the rules here and in M20 Costumes can be used for any high-powered game.

So, that's what I have to offer, let me know what you think.