Everybody's talking about the Ghostbusters, so here are stats for the whole gang. No, not Venkman and Egon (you can find them a few different places), and not Gilbert and Holtzmann, either (I haven't seen the new movie yet). These guys.
Go go Ghostbusters! |
If you're like me, your parents got you a Ghostbusters comic book as a kid, and you wondered why there was a talking car and a gorilla and no Bill Murray. But, bustin' ghosts is bustin' ghosts. Here's the team. Characters that are made for comedy, like Eddie, need a little something more to be playable in a RPG, so I made him the heavy.
Jake Kong Jr.
Microlite 20 Modern-Day
Character Focus: Charisma, Level 1
STR 11 (+0), DEX 13 (+1), MIND 17 (+3)
Physical 1, Subterfuge 1, Knowledge 2,
Communication 1, Technology 2
Hit Points 15, Armor Class: 11, Speed:
30 ft/ 6 spaces, Initiative +2
Melee/Hand-To-Hand +1, Missile/Ranged
+2, Magic/Supernatural +4
Equipment: Dematerializer, Ghost Buggy
Jr., Ghost Pack
Special Abilities: Charming (+1), Quick
Eddie Spencer Jr.
Microlite 20 Modern-Day
Character Focus:
Might, Level 1
STR 16 (+3), DEX
13 (+1), MIND 11 (+0)
Physical 4,
Subterfuge 0, Knowledge 2, Communication 1, Technology 1
Hit Points 24,
Armor Class: 14, Speed: 30 ft/ 6 spaces, Initiative +1
+4, Missile/Ranged +2, Magic/Supernatural +1
Equipment: Ghost
Pack, Flight Jacket (Leather)
Special Abilities:
Encourage, Tough
Tracy the Gorilla
Microlite 20 Modern-Day
Character Focus:
Might, Species: Gorilla (as Sasquatch), Level 1
STR 16 (+3), DEX
13 (+1), MIND 11 (+0)
Physical 4,
Subterfuge 1, Knowledge 0, Communication 1, Technology 2
Hit Points 20,
Armor Class: 11, Speed: 30 ft/ 6 spaces, Initiative +1
+4, Missile/Ranged +2, Magic/Supernatural +1
Equipment: Ghost
Special Abilities:
Driver, Heavy Hitter (Melee/Hand-To-Hand), Muscle
Jake Kong Jr.
Action D8, Wits D10, Ego D6
Specialisms: Ghost Sensing Nose, Idea
Man, Handsome
Hit Points: 18
Combat Gear: Dematerializer +2
Narrative Points: 5
Eddie Spencer Jr.
Action D8, Wits D6, Ego D10
Specialisms: Loveable Goofball,
Absent-Minded, Thinks Positive
Hit Points: 14
Combat Gear: Dematerializer +2, Flight
Jacket +1
Narrative Points: 4
Tracy the Gorilla
Action D10, Wits D8, Ego D6
Specialisms: Strong, GB Pilot, Loves To
Hit Points: 18
Combat Gear: Dematerializer +2,
Backpack of Gadgets +1
Narrative Points: 4