The movies are great, but I miss the red swashbuckler boots. And the little wings on the mask. |
I created stats for Captain America on the old, now long-gone blog, but I've since updated the rules for Microlite 20 Costumes, so this the revised version. His financial status is Sponsored, to go along with his position in the movies (as an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.), and to simulate his long career in the comics I might update him to level 14 or even 15.
Microlite 20 Costumes: Level 12, 180
Power Points
STR 21 (+5), DEX 19 (+4), MIND 17 (+3)
Leadership 12, Weapon (Shield): Gadget
Physical 17, Subterfuge 16, Knowledge
15, Communication 17
Hit Points 81, Initiative +11,
Melee/Hand-To-Hand +18, Missile/Ranged +16, Magic/Supernatural +15,
AC 20
Heroism Points: 12, Financial Status:
USR superheroes
Action D12, Wits D8, Ego D10
Specialisms: Icon Of Bravery +2,
Star-Spangled Avenger +2, Super-Soldier +2
Hit Points: 20
Combat Gear: Body Armor +1, Vibranium
Shield +2
Narrative Points: 4