In USR, concepts like class and race
are found in the form of archetypes, suggestions for ways to simulate
character types long-time roleplayers are familiar with. In Halberd,
the predecessor to Tequindria, a lot of the classic fantasy
archetypes made an appearance.
Archetypes aren’t a requirement, just a tool to help you visualize your character better. Every USR setting will probably have its own archetypes (Tequindra does). They’re a good way to get a feel for the kind of characters that would appear in that setting, even if your character stands out as someone different.
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Archetypes for elves, wizards and fighters can be found below. Source: Wizards of the Coast originally, I think. |
Since I’m using my Domino Writing-style version of USR, I’m going to make a few changes to
better fit my version of the game. Here’s how they break down:
Primary Stat: This is the stat (Action,
Wits, Ego) that should be assigned the d10, or d12 if using superhero
rules. It’s not a requirement, but emphasizing that stat is the
quickest way to simulate most familiar character types. That said, a
really buff wizard (with a d10 in Action) would be a unique take on
the spellcaster! Some archetypes have a primary stat of “Any” —
the archetype doesn’t call for any specific stat to be favored.
Just take your pick, like in the normal rules.
Suggested Specialisms: Several common
skills, abilities or powers characters of the archetype usually have.
You don’t have to take all three, or even any, of your specialisms
from this list, but it’s a good starting point. In Domino
Writing-style USR, a character’s combat skills are represented with
their gear, so combat specialisms won’t be common. For example, an
archer will have a Bow weapon rather than a Ranged Attack or Archery
specialism. Also, Domino Writing-style USR doesn’t assign
Specialisms to stats; you’ll have to do that yourself. I just
represented supernatural powers as a Specialism, since USR has
several different magic systems, which are worth looking at in
another blog post.
Suggested Equipment: This includes
weapons and armor, though you’ll have to decide on their value
(Light/Medium/Heavy), depending on how you picture your character,
and how many Combat Gear points you have available. It also includes
signature tools of the trade, such as a spellbook or thief’s tools.
It doesn’t include money; assume your character has enough “pocket
change” or credit for any ordinary purchase, unless the GM says
something different, of course. It also doesn’t include everything
a character would be carrying (ordinary clothes, a bedroll, etc.),
just the stuff that makes the character a hero.
Here’s a few examples, the classic
“Big 4” races and classes, with a lot borrowed from Halberd.
Primary Stat: Action
Suggested Specialisms: Mining, Brewing,
Tough, Leadership, Appraise Valuables, Forge Weapons and Armor
Suggested Equipment: Battle Axe or War
Hammer, Armor, Repair Tools, Mug of Ale
Primary Stat: Wits
Suggested Specialisms: Woods Lore,
Magic Knowledge, Aloof, Move Silently, Alluring
Suggested Equipment: Long Bow, Cloak of
Primary Stat: Any
Suggested Specialisms: Blacksmithing,
Inventing, Leadership, Persuasion, Trying New Things, Sailing,
Riding, Driving
Suggested Equipment: none
Primary Stat: Ego
Suggested Specialisms: Sneak, Hide,
Charm, Bargain, Singing
Suggested Equipment: Short Sword, Food
Primary Stat: Wits
Suggested Specialisms: Healing,
Religion, Nature, Charisma, Inspiration
Suggested Equipment: Holy Symbol, Mace,
Primary Stat: Action
Suggested Specialisms: Athletics,
Strong, Military Tactics, Leadership, Intimidation, Riding
Suggested Equipment: Sword, Shield,
Armor, Dagger, Crossbow
Primary Stat: Action
Suggested Specialisms: Sneak, Climb,
Escape, Disarm Trap, Pick Lock, Disguise, Charming
Suggested Equipment: Dagger, Thief’s
Tools, Poison Vial
Primary Stat: Wits
Suggested Specialisms: Spell-casting,
Identify Magic Item, Monster Lore, History, Create Magical Item,
Suggested Equipment: Staff, Spellbook,
This is a starting point; there will be
more archetypes to come, as we build up the range of settings
available for USR.
Which archetypes have you
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