Given the history of RPGs, finding ways to use the "Action" and "Wits" stats in USR is easy; Action is everything from acrobatics to yo-yo tricks (admittedly, the latter is not a common Specialism...). Wits can handle research and the supernatural, like magic and psionic combat. Ego, or social skills, are less used in role playing. A character may need to roll to intimidate, seduce or seek information listening to rumors. But the number of times Ego is used compared to the other stats means Ego almost shouldn't even be a stat. Let's change that, and give debaters, manipulators and schemers a chance to fight the good fight.
Social combat can be just as interesting when fought by a master.
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The Song of Ice and Fire RPG, and my other game, Microlite 20, have rules for social combat. For ease of use, it's basically like standard combat, except with different Specialisms in play. In fiction, social combat is usually over much quicker than battle, so each character begins with "social hit points" equal to the highest value of his or her Ego stat (i.e. 6, 8 or 10). Each attack and defense uses Specialisms like Bargain, Stir up trouble, Stubborn or Immune to her charms.
There's no equivalent to weapons or armor, though one Ego roll can affect the next. For example, befriending a powerful political family can help quell (or stir up) a rebellion. Allow players to describe what their characters are saying in the conversation. If it's convincing or inspiring, grant an extra +1 to the roll.
Make a simple Wits roll as initiative, to represent the planning of meeting times and places that best suit the character's goals. Social combat usually "heals" immediately after the combat ends. Just like standard combat, a character that loses all of his or her social hit points is defeated, but this doesn't have to mean death or unconsciousness. Instead, political foes can be humiliated, and enemies can be outwitted (it's much easier to trick an ogre than to try and cut it to pieces). Adventures can be just as exciting, and a lot less hazardous to life and limb.
What are the best Specialisms for exciting social combat?
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